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Some time ago I submitted my Uni look to this Polish Breakfast Show called Good morning TVN. To my surprise my look was picked as one of the best 10. I know it's not a big accomplishment but still it made me kinda flattered ;) (link to the page under the Polish translation)


Jakis czas temu wyslalam moja stylizacje uczelniania do Dzien Dobry TVN. Ku mojemu zaskoczeniu, po wejsciu na stronke zobaczylam, ze zostala ona wybrana jako jedna z 10 najlepszych. Wiem, ze nie jest to osiagniecie na miare Oskara, ale poczulam sie bardzo fajnie widzac moje zdjecie na stronie. 

PS. I'll try to add new outfit tomorrow. If I won't be able to I will post it on Friday and add an outfit from the shopping spree, which I've planned for that Friday. 

PPS. I saw on Style Scrapbook that Andy have made a clutch. I really liked it but wasn't bothered to make it so decided to get it from American Apparel, however they don't make it in orange. But now I REALLY want to have this clutch, so in the end I decided that I will make it myself. I am going to be making it back home as I don't have a sawing machine with me at the moment, but as I'm going back home for Easter I can use the one that my Grandma owns. That post should appear at the end of next week as I still haven't found the perfect leather for the clutch.
