Blog Archive

My first award!

I've been nominated by Sonia from for my first ever award. YAY!

Rules are as follows:

  • Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Award recently discovered great bloggers
  • Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award

7 things about myself:

My style. I'm still trying to find out what suits me best. I'm young! I experiment a lot! But I've noticed that I tend to always add a little rock and roll to my outfits!

Piercing and tattoos. I used to have a lot of piercings (tounge, nose, industrial, tragus, belly button, ear lobes). Now as I've got older I only kept the tragus, belly button, and ear lobes piercings. When it comes to tattoos I've currently have 3 of them. A star on my right wrist, which I will be changing into a shooting star when I'll be getting my next tattoo. A infinity sing on the side of my left wrist, and finally I've got a phrase 'Non moralle mai' on my left forearm. My next tattoo will be connected with the Native American culture (I'm fascinated by it!) and it probably will be an American Eagle feather on the side of my ribs.

Education. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. I plan to carry on with my Masters, but I can't seem to decide whether to do it in the UK or US.

Character. I say what I think, even if it may be harsh. I'm really confident and apparently I can break someone in one sentence. I am also a very loving person, and so if you mess with my family or closest friends I will make sure you'll suffer.

Dreams. Big walk in closet! The rest is my little secret.

Why do I blog. I blog to meet people who are as crazy about fashion as I am.

What's currently going on with my life. My Graduation is approaching!

And therse are my lovely nominees: