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Полноприводный суперкар Ferrari FF

Впервые в истории итальянского бренда Ferrari получит систему полного привода. Широкой публике машина будет представлена в марте текущего года на моторшоу в Женеве.Габаритная длина новинки составляет 4907 мм, ширина — 1953 мм, а высота — 1374 мм. Автомобиль на 5, 4 и 30 миллиметров соответственно больше, чем 612 Scaglietti, а также имеет четыре посадочных места и большой багажник, объем которого достигает 450 л (800 литров при сложенных задних сиденьях). Внешность суперкара Ferrari FF была разработана...
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Sigma Travel Kit

A couple weeks ago I purchased the Sigma Travel Kit for $49. The kit comes with 7 brushes and there were 2 brushes added as a free gift. I have to say that I'm very impressed with these brushes especially since I got 2 free. But I have to say the quality is amazing, these brushes are so soft I couldn't believe it, they are definitely as good as MAC. The shipping was great everything got here in good condition.The brushes come in this cute pouch that has a magnetic seal. I really liked the way that...
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2011 Oscars Red Carpet

Every year I follow the Oscars it's the most glamourous event of the year and I always look forward to seeing some amazing dresses and jewelry. This year I felt a bit disappointed because in my opinion it wasn't nearly as glamourous as last year. Many stars opted for more simple dresses than what you would usually see. Here are a few of my favourites this year.Hilary Swank in GucciHalle Berry in MarchesaNatalie Portman in RodarteCate Blanchett in Givenchy CoutureSo these are a couple of my favourites...
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Balloon Dresses

Recently, as you have seen, the balloon dresses are back in fashion It is interesting as fashion are cyclical and always repeats the above. In this case, are balloon dresses which again take to the delight of his followers?When you know which balloon dresses selected will take into account various characteristics, since it will not get a dress the same balloon long sleeve a balloon sleeve dress cutting.Beautiful Balloon Dresses With Cute ModeCharming Balloon Dresses On BlueElegant Balloon Dresses...
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Рейтинг самых популярных цветов автомобилей от DuPont

Один из крупнейших в мире производителей автомобильных лакокрасочных покрытий компания DuPont (США) составила рейтинг наиболее популярных цветов автомобилей на мировом рынке. Лидером, как и ранее, является серебристый цвет, на долю которого приходится 26% продаж новых автомашин. С небольшим отрывом далее следует черный (24%), затем белый и серый (по 16%).Наиболее популярные цвета 2010 года:1. Серебристый – 26%2. Черный – 24%3. Белый – 16%4. Серый – 16%5. Красный – 6%6. Синий – 5%7. Коричневый/бежевый...
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Penny Mathis Fashion Shoot 2011

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Chocolate Fashion 2011

 Chocolate Fashion 2011 Chocolate Fashion 2011 Chocolate Fashion 2011 Chocolate Fashion 2011 Chocolate Fashion 2011Chocolate Fashion 2011 Chocolate Fashion 2011 Chocolate Fashion 2011Chocolate Fashion 2...
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Amazing Copper Lingerie

  Amazing Copper Lingerie   Amazing Copper Lingerie   Amazing Copper Lingerie   Amazing Copper Lingerie   Amazing Copper Lingerie   Amazing Copper Lingerie via :
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kim kardashian sexiest look

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian seen on yacht in Miami during a day off of filming their reality tv show. Kim looked very fit in her bikini as she sipped on an orange drink as sister Kourtney chatted on her cellphone. kim kardashian sexiest look  kim kardashian sexiest look  kim kardashian sexiest look  kim kardashian sexiest look  kim kardashian sexiest look...
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