Bad Blogger

Ok, I have seriously been a bad blogger over here. I have so much going on. I read a really great book, I have a new recipe to post from an amazing food blogger, I am in my last semester of grad school, and I am sure there are tons of things on my 101 in 1001 list I have completed or am working. But I have been so busy I have not even had a chance to look at the list.But there will be posts coming up about the book I read and actually 2 new recipes I have tried that were yummy.So there is more to...
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DIY Chain Boots!

I bought these black boots a couple weeks ago and was going to wear them as is, but after awhile I thought they looked pretty boring. So I decided to buy some chain and do something a bit interesting.From bland and blinged out! ('s the best I could do.) Here's the outside...and the inside...The shoes are from Wal-Mart and the chains are from a store in Vancouver called the i-Found gallery (on Main Street). It's a really awesome store, full of antique jewelery, charms and pendants....
READ MORE - DIY Chain Boots!


I just discovered a new street style website- Streethearts! There are some totally amazing looks on this site that I am in love with. The website is just over a year old and I hope they keep it up...
READ MORE - Streethearts

And the obsession continues...

There is never a time when I don't want anything from I especially like the way they style their models with jewelery and other accessories- it's always accessible, something that you could wear out the door and into real life. Add in pleather, crosses and other on-trend items and you've got ...
READ MORE - And the obsession continues...