
Image from extremefitnessresults.comSo the Hubs got the Insanity workout videos. And apparently he bought them for me. I thought it was something we were going to do together, but whatever. So I decided to start it today. It is the same format as the P90X that we have except it is more cardio based and you only use your body weight. I like that part because I have enough body weight to get a hellafied workout. So DAY 1 is a Fit Test that you do every two weeks to measure your progress. You are...
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I want to get away, I want to flyyyy away!!

Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far...far away from here. (said in my best Je-nay voice from Forrest Gump)Oh yes, I need a vacation. Yes, that is a NEED. I am exhausted. Right now I would not even care where I went. If someone said, you wanna go to Wisconsin or Iowa, I would be all for it. (Nothing against Wisconsin or Iowa, but they are not on my top list of vacation destinations). Sorry. I have no motivation for school, exercising, or eating appropriately. I have been taking copious naps...
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Are GMOs in your garden?

I try to not be preachy to people about my food choices and why I do and don't eat certain things. One of the reasons is I don't like it when people preach to me and another is that I am not perfect in my decisions. Sometimes I don't do things for financial reasons, like I can't afford to buy everything I eat organic, and sometimes because I just don't wanna. I like syrup. Sorry. I do. I tried using 100% pure maple syrup, but it isn't the same. And sometimes I want waffles with syrup. I have cut...
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hot town summer in the city back of my neck getting dirty and gritty

The weather in Vancouver has been totally messed up- it was raining for the longest time, then suddenly the sun and heat hit us, then we got some stormy weather. What is up with that!? Needless to say I am totally ready for summer to be here. Here is some of the stuff I have been coveting- I think I am going to do a trip to Value Village soon and pillage the place for thin, slouchy tees!keywords sheer florals black leather pink denim graphic tees button down bangles distressed thin knit fringe...
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It has been far too long since my last post! And sadly, all I have for you is one outfit. Check out my new star tattoo! I got it from my dad and stepmom for my birthday :Dhigh waisted jeans - thrifted / tee - joe fresh / belt - stitches / cross strand necklace - f21 / bracelets - urban planet / shoes - vansThis past weekend was super busy- it was my birthday on Friday so I had stuff spread out all weekend. On Friday night I went to a pub/bar called The Blarney Stone and partied with my friends,...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Yesterday the Hubs and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary. I cannot believe one year has passed so quickly. The thought is just crazy. I had a great day too...would have been even better if I did not have to go to work. Lesson learned though. We have decided that we will not work the day of our anniversary (or whatever day we are celebrating it) any more. So, Sunday morning we exchanged gifts. (More on that in a minute.) Went to work. Came home. Then went to dinner. We went to Oceanaire in DC....
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Новое поколение Honda Civic. Испытания.

Honda начала тесты нового поколения модели Civic, которое должно быть официально представлено лишь во второй половине следующего года. Вообще изначально предполагалось, что Civic обновят уже в этом году, но разразившийся экономический кризис заставил японцев изменить планы. Пока информации о новом Civic не слишком много. До сих пор не известно, как же будет выглядеть этот автомобиль, однако, многие предполагают, что будущий Civic сохранит стиль нынешнего автомобиля, который пользуется отличным спросом...
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Новый Bugatti 16C Galibier. Фото.

Автомобиль оказался близким по дизайну к концепту, представленному на автосалоне в Женеве. Несмотря на то, что Galibier был продемонстрирован на шоу как концепт, есть информация, что автомобиль придет на смену Veyron предположительно в 2013 году. В компании также сообщили, что отзывы на концепт были весьма положительные и последующая серийная модель будет стоить около 1,31 миллиона долларов.Bugatti Galibier с шестнадцатицилиндровым мотором объемом восемь литров выдает около 986 л.с. мощности и считается...
READ MORE - Новый Bugatti 16C Galibier. Фото.