Blog Archive

#22: 10 New Recipes

Shrimp, Feta, and Fresh Herb Mac and CheeseSource Annie's EatsIngredients1 lb. rotini pasta (I used whole wheat)1 lb. raw shrimp (31-40 ct.), peeled and deveined, cut in half (if desired), tail removed10 oz. feta cheese, crumbled and dividedzest of 1 lemon, divided1/2 cup Panko breadcrumbs2 tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped and divided5 tbsp. butter, divided (I used unsalted)4 tbsp. all-purpose flour (I used wheat)3 cups milk (I used plain soy)2 tbsp. fresh dill, chopped8 oz. Gruyere cheese, shredded...
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Quest for Two-Week Scalp

August 2009I have been natural for a long time...since 2003. Maybe one day I will write my natural hair story...maybe. Even before I was natural I washed my hair a lot. Now I wash my hair every week. Many natural ladies are on a quest for 2-week hair. Basically they are trying to get one hairstyle to last 2 weeks. Well that is not my issue. My styles last. My issue is my scalp. After one week of life and the gym and whatever else, my scalp is begging to be cleaned. It gets itchy and I just can't...
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a little hairstyle inspiration from moi to vous

one of my favourite tumblrs right now is while you're there, why not check out mi...
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another opening, another show

Last night the show I was working on finally opened, which means less stress! Everything went well, so the show should run smoothly for the next week and a half. There was an opening night party after the show, and people couldn't seem to get enough of my heels. A lady who I don't know came up to me and told me she and the group of people she was with were talking about how fabulous my shoes are! Little did they know, I got them at Wal-Mart... oh, fashion.I absolutely love this dress though. I always...
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#22: Make 10 New Recipes

Salmon Burgers with Cilantro MayoSource Annie's EatsIngredients:1/2c red bell pepper diced (I used one whole pepper so a little more)6 tbsp. panko bread crumbs1 garlic clove, minced1lb. salmon fillets, skinned, boned and finely chopped (wild Alaskan is best!)1 large egg white, lightly beaten1 1/2 tsp. soy sauce1 tsp. fresh lemon juice1/4 tsp. salt1-2 tbsp. vegetable or canola oil (I used EVOO)For the cilantro mayo:1 garlic clove, chopped1/2c mayo1/2c cilantrodash of cayenne peppersqueeze of lemon...
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Earth Day 2010

Tomorrow is Earth Day.Interesting Earth Day Facts:Every ton of paper that is recycled save 17 treesIt takes 50-70 gallons of water for a 10 minute showerMore than 20 million (that's 20,000,000) Hershey's kisses are wrapped each day. That is 133 square miles of tin foil. All of that can be recycled.If every newspaper was recycled, 250 million (250,000,000) trees could be saved each year. Unfortunately on 27% of all American newspapers are recycled.If you brush your teeth for the full 3 minutes (which...
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Parisian Pink and a Pair of Combat Boots

My brothers 14th birthday was on Sunday, so I went over to my dad's place and ate a mega amount of pizza and watched Shaun of The Dead. Great day with the family :Dtop - zellers / pink jeans - joe fresh / ballet flats - joe fresh / sunglasses - spencer gifts / studded belt - dunnesI'm going into tech week tomorrow for the show I am working on in Vancouver. I wore this today to set up in the theatre and for a quick rehearsal with the actors. It includes my new COMBAT BOOTS!! top - zellers / hoodie...
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Evelyn's Favorite Pasta

This is not a new recipe for me, but I have now made it twice and the Hubs and I love it. It is the only vegetarian meal that the Hubs doesn't say "If this had meat...". Evelyn's Favorite Pastasource Proceed with Caution1/4c EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)3 cloves garlic, minced, pressed, or grated (I did minced)salt and pepper2 Chinese eggplants (I used 1 large eggplant)1 large head of broccoli1 can artichoke hearts, halved or quartered15 cherry tomatoes, halved1/3c pine nuts1/4c kalamata olives,...
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For the Kitchen Part 3

Ok. I am adding some things and making some modifications.One thing that both the Hubs and I want is a good wok. I have no idea how to determine if the wok is good or not. I do know that I want stainless steel (I think) or cast iron??, I just know that I do NOT want something with nonstick coating. I am trying to eliminate that from our kitchen. I also know that it needs to be pretty big. Our biggest pan we have now is definitely not big enough. So the search and research for the perfect wok is...
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For the kitchen Part 2

Part 1 of this list can be found here.Since I am trying to cook more and surprisingly the food has been really good, I am thinking of other things I want for the kitchen and my cooking escapades. I have been loving Amy's Organics. I love their pizza. It's organic, all natural, and has no GMOs. Oh yeah, and it is soooo yummy. But I have been thinking, I can make my own pizzas. Lots of people have been talking about pizza dough that you can get a Trader Joe's for like a dollar. Of course, there is...
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Clint Eastwood says no to bullying... and if you defy him, he'll punch you in the face.

Today was the Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying day, so I pulled my pink Clint Eastwood tee out of the closet. Who better to combat bullying than Clint Eastwood?I shredded the jeans myself, following Park and Cube's tutorial. I definetly recommend reading it, whether you are just ripping your jeans a little bit or you are going crazy on them... lots of good tips there.tee shirt - ebay / sweater - joe fresh / jeans - thrifted and diy shredded / pink leopard print tights - primark / shoes - conve...
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What I want to buy...

for the kitchen. This is going to be my ever growing list. Hopefully I will cross things off and add things on as I start working in the kitchen more.I am trying to cook more. I have found recipes that I want to try, but then I realize I do not have the appropriate tools in the kitchen. So I have been developing a list of things to buy. I am kinda excited about this.On the top of my list are these Bamboo Utensils from Crate&Barrel. These utensils are certified organic and bamboo is a sustainable...
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cross your heart and hope to die

i am so obsessed with crosses right now. it started slowly but now it's a full fledged addiction i'm afraid... image source: stylecopycat, fashiontoast, le fashion, nubbytwiglet, i worry that i may offend people of catholic or christian faith when i wear crosses or rosaries, but i just think that they are so cool! they just give off such a goth rock vibe to ...
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Get back in town I wanna paint it black Wanna get around Easy living crowd so flat Said it all before

this was my weekend wardrobe.Saturday i had rehearsal on Granville Island, then I headed over to my dad's place for chinese food (mmm so good!) and we watched this German movie called 'dead snow', which is about NAZI ZOMBIES. yeah, you read that right. it was actually great- both scary and hilarious. it definetly took a page from the evil dead trilogy (i love those movies!)houndstooth sweater jacket - thrifted / slouchy tee - joe fresh /jeans - primark / shoes - converse / cross necklace - forever...
READ MORE - Get back in town I wanna paint it black Wanna get around Easy living crowd so flat Said it all before