#27: Read 50 Non-crime books

I read two non-crime books in a row. And I loved both of them. Swapping Lives is not like any book I have read in years. I am definitely not a "chick-flick" kinda book reader. Again relating books to movies, this reminds me of The Holiday with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet, sorta. A single journalist from London swaps lives for a month with a mother of two, with a husband from the Connecticut suburbs. Parts of this book really made me look at my life. Even though I am not a mother, I could identify...
READ MORE - #27: Read 50 Non-crime books

#27: Read 50 Non-crime books

Just finished reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Great book. I could not put this book down, which is not typical for a non-crime book for me. It is a story about two boys from Kabul, Afghanistan and the journey their lives take. How one simple decision can change a person entire life. It brought a new light on Afghanistan for me. Several places that are frequently mentioned in the news in a negative light are shown how they used to be before the Russian invasion and the takeover by the...
READ MORE - #27: Read 50 Non-crime books