Revitalize and Rebuild Your Skin with the Right Anti Aging Facial Skin Care

Stress and the environment, in addition to hormonal aging, can diminish the healthy appearance of skin. However, you can regain that youthful glow and revitalize and rebuild your skin. The secret is in using the right anti aging facial skin care products and adopting a healthy lifestyle.Rejuvenate and Promote Healthy Skin the Healthy WayYou can combat the signs of environmental and biological aging of your skin by finding and executing the right daily skin care plan. This should include cleansing...
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Finding Natural Skin Care Cosmetics

There are natural skin care and cosmetic products on the market today that can be very helpful to people who have skin allergies or other problems that may prevent them from using makeup under normal circumstances. Although these products are usually more expensive than regular makeup, which is saying a lot since makeup is already expensive; the price is worth it to be able to wear makeup again without having detrimental effects. In addition, using natural herbal cosmetics and natural skin care...
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I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok...

I live in Canada and I don't think I've ever seen a real lumberjack. Although alot of construction workers wear red flannel shirts (or my 'lumberjack shirt' as my mom calls it)...I got together with some family today that was away for Christmas, which was nice. It definetly wasn't Christmas without them! I hope that all of you out there in the blog-o-sphere had great holidays.grey t-shirt - american apparelflannel shirt - urban planet (guys section)jeans - urban planetheart locket - urban planetbag...
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one Little Black Dress and alot of snow...

The theatre company I'm working for had a Christmas party last weekend, and so I decided to dress up, because all I wear all day are my dirty scruffy blacks backstage. So any chance to get dressed up, I'll take! Of course that is the night the sky decided to dump a huge amount of snow all over, and driving home in snow+ice is not my forte.... needless to say I slid into another lane and almost hit someone! (I wasn't wearing my heels to drive though... I had on my Vans!) Dress - Joe Fresh (Superstore)Purple...
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Leopard Love

I love leopard. I even have a leopard print desktop. That is why it is my mission in life (for the moment...) to find a leopard print jacket. They can be so chic yet so punk rock depending on how you accesorize. I think it's time to start scouring all the second hand/vintage stores around town... ...
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Lush Princess

I breezed through this Flare spread called "Lush Hour" because it didn't initially catch my attention, but then I became transfixed by the Naeem Khan coat on the right- opulence at it's best. The editorial is complete fantasy; I'd love to have that coat and wear it over my pj's and lounge around the house. It really reminds me of one of my favourite childhood movies, 'A Little Princess', where the two girls go to sleep in a leaky attic and wake up surrounded by flowing silk and vases of sunflowers...
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the inspiration factor

I love the runway, but it's always people's personal styles that get me inspired like crazy. I was over at Hipster Musings and she was talking about's so cool, and the page literally goes on forever... ...
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As Fall Returns

How to take a short dress from spring to fall? Striped stockings and legwarmers. Add a little bit of Gothic Lolita and you have Vogue Nippon's editorial, "As Fall Returns". I like this look... its kind of frilly and victorian but not too costumey. (more) from ht_photogra...
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