Homemade Cucumber Beauty Recipes for Hot Summer Months

Cucumber Beauty Recipe #1Ingredients:1/2 kg. peeled cucumbers.1/2 kg. white lard.1/2 pint milk.1/2 kg. melon pulp.Preparation:Chop the cucumbers into tiny squares, Put all the ingredients into a non-metallic bowl and then into a bowl of water heated over a low flame.Heat for a period of ten to twelve hours without letting the mixture boil.Strain through a cheese cloth. As the mixture cools, let it congeal.Keep in a glass jar. Use for a cooling and refreshing feeling.Cucumber Beauty Recipe #2Ingredients:1/2...
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Homemade Multi-Purpose Moisturizing Cream Recipes

Ingredients:4 tablespoons apricot kernel oil.8 tablespoons lecithin.2 tablespoons water (distilled or purified).2-4 drops of your favorite perfume,Preparation:Blend the ingredients well in a glass bowl until it becomes a smooth paste.Use on face, neck, arms, hands, legs and feet.This moisturizing lotion is also an excellent make-up ba...
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Homemade Skin Nourishing Creams

Homemade Skin Nourishing Cream Recipe #1Ingredients:20 ml litres of distilled water.20 ml litres of rose water.1/2 teaspoon of borax powder.18 gms. bees wax.12 gms. lanolin.70 ml. Htres of almond oil.4 capsules of Vitamin A.4 Capsules of Vitamin E.A few drops of benzoin tincture.Preparation:Heat the distilled water and add the borax powder and rose water to it.In another container, heat the lanolin, white wax and bees wax together. For this, you will first have to heat the three ingredients in a...
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Homemade Night Cream Recipes

Homemade Night Cream Recipe #1Ingredients:2 tablespoons lanolin.2 tablespoons cocoa.3 tablespoons almond oil2 tablespoons rose water.Preparation:Put the first three ingredients in a glass bowl. Place the bowl in a pan of hot water and heat over a low flame, until the contents of the bowl melt into a smooth paste. For stirring use a wooden spoon. Do not use a metallic spoon as the ingredients will act on the metal and a chemical reaction will take place.Remove the bowl from the' hot water and add...
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How to Getting Back Your Figure After the Baby is Born?

Usually, a woman puts on about twenty-four pounds of weight during pregnancy.After the baby is born, about thirteen pounds are lost imme­diately. A few more pounds are lost during the following week. But it can take up to six months more for a mother to regain her normal figure and weight.Most pregnant women tend to develop poor posture during their pregnancy. This is because they lean back to counteract the weight in front.Exercises for New Mothers to Getting Back their FigureHere are some simple...
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Beauty Care Tips for Pregnant Women

Make sure you get enough sleep (you need a little more sleep now than usual). Never allow yourself to feel exhausted.Avoid any strenuous exercising, especially in the first three months. Do, however, get your daily quota of fresh air by going for a short walk.Feet: Avoid wearing high heels - they'll only. give you back trouble. Wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes with a medium heel.Legs: Get into the habit of propping your legs up on a stool or cushion when you sit. Sit rather than stand whenever...
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Pregnancy and Beauty Care

There me some lucky women who just sail through the nine months of pregnancy feeling marvelous and literally glowing with all the traditional radiance associated with it. Their skin clears up, eyes glow, hair shines and becomes thicker and glossier than usual.The not-so-fortunate ones have a hard time, especially in the first three months when hormonal changes in the body are at their greatest. They feel sick most of the time, their skin erupts into spots and their hair gets lank and difficult.A...
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Your Beauty Care and Importance of Water

Water constitutes about seventy per cent of the body's weight, and is essential for the well-being of each individual.Each cell of the body contains and is surrounded by water. It is also an important part of the blood.In normal circumstances, our water intake is regulated by the natural mechanism of thirst. You feel thirsty the moment your body has lost two per cent of the water that makes up your body weight.To keep the body working well, drink at least eight glasses of fluid each day. Make sure...
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Guide to Electrolysis Hair Removal

Electrolysis, one of the most popular methods of hair removal, is a procedure performed by licensed professionals called electrologists. Hair is removed permanently, as opposed to temporary methods of hair removal like shaving, waxing, and epilation. An electric current (with or without high heat) destroys each hair down to its roots. Most com­monly, a blend of heat and electric current is used.Although results are excellent, electrolysis is a painful and time-consuming process. The electrologist...
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How to Deal with Breast & Stomach Hair

Waxing: Not advisable.Shaving: Not advisable.Creaming: Not advisable.Bleaching: Certainly worth a try.Tweezing: Risky, but worth a try for a few stray hair.Electrolysis: Quite safe. Always choose a time after hair has grown for six to seven weeks. Try electrolysis in winter, so that you can give the tiny scabs time to heal before you have to put on your swim-suit....
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